
Address :
rue de la Gare 36
BE-1040 Brussels

Telephone : +32 (0)2 661.19.11
Fax : +32 (0)2 672.02.22

Presentation of the Finasucre Group

The group produces raw, direct consumption raw, direct consumption raw, white and refined sugar from cane and beet and markets these to industrial clients and to retail outlets in many different types of packaging. It also manufactures an entire line of caramels and speciality sugar.

It sells renewable energy in the form of electricity, alcohol, molasses, beet pulps and other products used for animal feed.

Through its Galactic subsidiary, Finasucre is a large producer of lactic acid and its derivatives, also carrying out research into biodegrable and recyclable plastics. Finasucre is also involved in the engineering and production of equipment for sugar mills.

The group has factories in Belgium, the Netherlands, Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia, China and the United States.

The group operates a concession of 11,700 hectares growing sugar cane in the Democratic Republic of Congo and has 14,700 hectares of arable land in Australia, as well as 4,900 hectares of land with a development potential.

For the year ended 31 March 2021, the group recorded a turnover of € 382 million and net assets of € 570 million. The group employs 2,275 people on a permanent basis and more than 2,500 extra people during the campaign to produce 438,067 tons of sugar.

By making direct equity investments in listed and non-listed companies with significant growth potential, the group is also diversifying into various sectors, in particular real estate and macadamia nuts.



Annual reports


Press release July 26, 2024 - Annual Report Finasucre 2023-2024   Finasucre...
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